Who am I ?

Simply put, professional IT problem solver. To be specific, I am an IT professional that has been in the industry since the early 90s. I grew up with the internet and the advance and evolution of technology. My early experiences included the introduction to BBS and still soldering your own components. Luckily these days are past but ever since then I never stopped learning and the hunger for technology never subsided. During my long career, I have literally been in almost any position within IT. Anything from help desk to CEO. I have worked in large and small companies and have led and completed multinational project as well as small localized ones. My career allowed me to get deep into different technology aspects but never stuck in one. I am certified across different technologies and cloud vendors. Since 2014 I have been completely cloud native and have worked extensively in AWS, Azure and GCP as well as Openstack and multiple container platforms. In short, you name it and i can probably walk the walk, not just talk the talk.